Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 2 June 2012

Lazy saturday...

The day didn’t start of very nicely weather wise so what better way to begin a long  bank holiday weekend than a sleep in and a snuggle with The Man.Very nice thank you.
With the routine housework out of the way it was high time that I put away the winter clothes, well most of them. Good opportunity to have  sort out too and put together an op shop bag.
After a nice lunch of spuds in their jackets we took the op shop bag to the closes charity shop, and horrors they are closing down. It is sad to see that high rents are driving  them out.

 Not only  that but the interior of  very favourite store where I bought my pretty painted giraffe was empty. Perhaps a refit we thought as a there were a couple of chaps working inside. But no they told us that the owner was moving to bigger premises. Good for him, but not us.
Oh well such is progress I suppose.  Good thing there is another charity shop around the block for us to leave our bag of goodies.  That done and feeling pleased with ourselves we topped up the grocery shopping, mushies for tomorrows cooked brekky and some fresh fruit. I store they were handing out red white and blue themed cakes, nomnomnom.
On to the library next. It was under threat of closure, but public opinion prevailed on the powers that be and there has been a stay of execution. It would be such a terrible shame to see it go.
I’ve been trying to get my head around Photoshop elements for ages without much luck on my own so today I gave in  and found a basic book in the library. We also bought a music CD of Norah Jones, which is playing as I write. I bought a movie as well. Haven’t had a great deal of luck with them lately, the titles I have chosen looked OK but some of the movies were pretty nasty. I thought The Last King of  Scotland might have been OK. It was not. It was about the dictator Idi Amin. Not a nice chap by any ones standards.
I think I have mentioned before that there is a jig saw in the lounge in our building that The Man has been slowly working away at. It’s about three-quarters done now so he bough a jigsaw from the library so that he will have something to progress on to

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