Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 28 June 2012

Taken for a ride

It is amazing how things pop up or change at CW. On my normal route through the mall to Starbucks I usually pass a little bookshop. We yesterday it was a small bookshop, this morning the windows were all covered and the advertising banners proclaimed that a new bigger better shoe store will be opening soon.  I wonder if it will teak as long to fit=-out as Starbucks did. Across the road a small travel agent has gone and it is unusual to see and empty store on the wharf
All along the road that I walk towards my place of work temporary barrens have been erected, getting in the way of fast moving pedestrians like my. They are to keep the crowds in check for tights triathlon. Well I certainly wouldn’t be too keen to have swim in the local river. Even if ail the reports on it say it is the cleanest it has been for many years.
When I’m in Buckys in the mornings one of the things I do is check out the family’s Facebook pages. Of course, well would be silly not to wouldn’t it. This morning I saw on a granddaughter’s page a clip of the time setting for the DeLorian in back to the future, the date for the first jump into the future was yesterday.  But when I checked it this afternoon because I wanted to post a picture here I discovered that I had, along with a whole lot of other people been taken in by a hoax. The actual date Doc sets the DeLorean to go to is in 2015. Why would someone do that . Check it out for yourself.

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