Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 16 June 2012

Wishing and hoping...

You hear this next sentence I am going to write, particularly on cooking programmes. Here’s one I prepared earlier. I’ve gotten so hooked on this blogging that I daren’t miss a day now. My goal is to keep up my daily ramblings. So I hear you say what are you rambling on about now? Well today we have been at a camping and caravan show way over near Southampton. I booked us a run there by bus, oops I mean coach. It will be a long day. Coach leaves at 0800 and returns at 2200. So I will not really be in any mood to write at that item of the night. You will have to wait until Sundays blog to hear how the day went, but in the meantime here is a little snippet from my ‘writings’ file.

This is from an exercise from a creative writing course I did years ago. It was about our wishes

Sometimes I think about what I would wish for if I was granted just three wishes, having just released a friendly genie from his incarceration in a magic lamp.
I’d try to combine as much as possible into the three wishes, things like for everyone to be happy, but that could mean the happiness of some is at the expense of others so that won’t do. How about world peace, now that is a good one, but is enforced peace permanent peace or just a truce like the grudging one you make with your sister after mum catches you fighting again. So world peace mightn’t be the right thing either. I don’t want to waste the wishes. Perhaps I could wish for everyone to be able to reach their full potential, but as what, soldiers and military leaders reach theirs by being killing machines so that wish wouldn’t work either. Perhaps a wish for us to be free of illness and disease, it would be a wonderful thing, but then some people only realise the value of their life when life itself is challenged. I thought it would be easy to use the three world wishes to make everything perfect for everybody, no famine, no disease, no unhappiness, no dissent, but I think if it there were no challenges and we had nothing to strive for then perhaps there would be no humanity, just complacency. So I think I would make just one wish and that would be that each one of us would be able to live in harmony with the other.

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