Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 1 March 2012


Goodness me the months are flying around, here we are in the third month already. Bruce was reading an item in the paper this morning about a 7 year old boy  who was playing in back yard, He had hoisted a jolly roger using his Dad’s fishing rod as the flag pole. Nothing wrong with that you’d think, just a kid having a bit of fun and playing pretend as kids do. Wrong! Local council came around and told said kid to take it down. Said council have offered a union jack as its replacement. Seems someone complained that the white skull and cross bones on the black back ground was not PC. I ask you isn’t that taking things just a bit too far. Here in the UK you are not supposed to refer to someone with darker skin as coloured, black s Ok though. Not sure where the difference is there.
It has been another warm day and here we are at 2130 and it is still 10 degrees outside. It is so incredibly dry underfoot. There is a tree that we pass on the way to the supermarket that is very obviously crying out for water.  We trotted around to the supermarket after tea. It is a very short five minutes  walk away. We needed some necessary supplies. Bread at £1.20,  Jif (here called Cif,) £2.49,  1KG muesli £4.29,  two litres of milk £1.18, and bananas at £0.58 per kilo.  

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