Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 23 March 2012

Wandering after work...

What a quiet morning at the other site. Have been getting really annoyed because the cleaners have been ignoring the clinic room for at least three weeks. I had a grumble via email when I was here on Wednesday and had no response, phoned the supervisor this morning and had a cleaner in my room almost immediately. Amazing what a bit of a grumble will do.
It has been lovely day weather wise, it was very foggy early on, about the most we have seen I think. The skies are not really clear though and the sun is very red when it sets. There is a lot of pollution in the air. The Man came to meet me after work and I took him the long way around to Buckys for a coffee. Usually we can  see The Shard quite clearly, it is about 5 k's away. Not today though, the view is quite murky. 

The Man was telling me about a tall building in in the United Arab Emirates that is more than 2700 feet high. Three times the height of the Eifel Tower and about two and a half times the height of The Shard. I just cannot imagine how something that tall would look. I also wanted to show The Man where Mrs Grebe was sitting on her nest.  There was also a pair of greylags and another pair of grebes swimming nearby.  I really should check to see how long they sit on the eggs for.

When I got in to work yesterday morning I found a yummy box of chokies waiting for me, a thank you to one of my preggy ladies who had finished up and gone on maternity leave. It is amazing how many of them there are hee at work. The Man and I have just had a couple of the chockies and I was absolutely delighted to find that there was a peppermint one in amongst them. I’ve been disspointed in the boxes of chokies here. Why I hear you ask Well you would be too if you were a mint chockie fan like I am. Boxes of Roses and others do not have the delicious little treats. What’s more the first time I was offered a choice from a mixed box I naturally chose the green wrapped one. What a disappointment. It was like taking a mouthful of coffee and discovering it was tea, or vice versa. Yuk. The green wrapped chockie was caramel. Not that I mind caramel but it tasted really funny as I was expecting the mint variety.
Well will you look at that I have managed to get the conversation around to food again!!!!!!!!!!!

We took a stroll through the mall on our way to Buckys; it is not crowded at all at this time of the evening. So nice not to have it shoulder to shoulder crowded. It also gave me a chance to take some pictures of the pretty mosaic patterns on the floor. 

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