Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 9 March 2012

TGIF is all I can say...

Friday, Friday Friday, yay. 
On Wednesday I managed to lose my Buckys card. Didn’t actually realise it until that evening when I was getting my bag ready for Thursday morning. On Thursday I checked at my regular store, but nope, not handed in unfortunately. The staff were great tho and I got my coffee for free. Picked up a new card, and tried to register it online. Not much luck with that. I did manage to report my old one missing which I hoped would freeze that balance. So when I got to work this morning I phoned the help line and the lovely young lady there did it all for me. Transferred the balance and checked that it had registered the card correctly then deleted the old card. And fortunately no one had used it to buy coffee. The day got off to quite a busy start. Several people in to have blood taken, then one of my preggy ladies in for a BP check. All well there. Then a bit of a gap, so off to the treatment room to do  bit of routine checking and looking at the stock to see if I need to do any ordering. Sure enough we are a bit short of a few things, so back to the computer and create and order and send it off for approval. Hmm while I’ve got the order book at I check what is waiting on back order, Typhoid and rabies vaccines have been unavailable since before Christmas. I phone the drug company and bother it is still unavailable, not to be deterred I phone another company and yes it is in stock. Create a new order and cancel the old one.  
A nice slow start to the afternoon, just as well as I have five travel briefs to create for chaps going to south American countries. Sounds easy, but it means checking each individual file to see what sort of history they have, looking at the hazards in their destination country then individualising a standard letter for each individual. Time frame is approximately half an hour per person.  
By four o’clock things were going extremely well and I could see a quiet last half an hour, five until five thirty, coming up. Huh, my Mum would have said ‘You know what thought thought , he thought his foot was out of bed so he got out to put it in.’ Three last minute walk in clients and in the midst of it all a chappie complaining about a rapid heartbeat. Out with the ECG machine, call the doc, apologise to the two clients I was seeing a the same time, talk to the emergency services who, when I tell them it is not life threatening say ‘Well you should see the ambos within an hour’ Client not too happy with that. His heartrate normalised so he decided to get a cab to the nearest hospital. Call the emergency services and cancel said ambo
During all this I think Oh no, had arranged to meet The Man on the station. Said station has no phone reception so fingers crossed. Just before I go to send him a text, a message comes through from reception that he has turned up and is waiting for me in the waiting room. He  must be psychic.

1 comment:

  1. didnt you know that by now? Its like his ability to read a map once and not need it again, or the way he knows what the weather is going to do....
