Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 13 March 2012

So what's on the box tonight that's worth watching?

So what am I going to write today? Somedays I have a real clear idea and others like now I think to myself well I will just start and see what the muse sends me.  Yesterday I had an email telling me that due to a late cancellation there were a couple of places available on an ILS course, that’s Immediate Life Support, and asking me if I was free on Friday. I’m not keen to do it, but as we do exercise ECG’s and administer vaccines it is necessary. I don’t like critical care and the thought of someone arresting or having an anaphylactic reaction scares me witless. Well almost. So I said yes in my bestest cheeriest voice, I’d be delighted to come to it on Friday. Friday! Goodness me that is only a couple of days away.  I’ve a fair sized booklet to read and inwardly digest. New CPR ratios and new airway techniques. It does put me out of my comfort zone, but if someone else said that about something they were doing I would tell them to go ahead and it would be to their betterment. So I had better take my own advice hadn’t I?
It reminds me of one centre I worked at when we lived in NZ and I had to do a similar course. Because potentially we could be called to an accident and also potentially could be first on the scene. That was   a two day live in course, this current one is just a whole day.  That course ended with a full blown accident scene mock up. Crashed cars, one on fire, injured victims all over the place, not my cup of tea at all. So to get myself up to speed there’ll be no prizes for guessing what my reading material will be for the next few days.
I’ve just paid for our TV licence. That’s right a TV licence. All £145 of it, that’s about $300 in old money. Considering how much rubbish there is on the box and how much advertising there is too, someone is making a profit somewhere.  A typical night’s watch for us is Eggheads, reruns of Last of the Summer Wine and re runs of Antiques Roadshow   interspersed with the occasional NCIS and most of those are reruns too. Speaking of NCIS, we left NZ just two years ago and it has taken that long for the programme to catch up to the series that was running then. I have to admit though that the re runs have meant that we could catch up on programmes from previous series that we had missed. So there is a plus side to it.  I used to be a fan of CSI too, but found that the later series became more and more silly. Well if I wasn’t off it then I certainly am now. The new head, replacing the character played by, Lawrence Fishburne is Ted Danson. Now he might have been funny all those years ago as the bar owner in the sitcom Cheers, but I just cannot see him as the head of a crime investigation unit. Won’t be watching that one, no sir.

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