Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 22 March 2012

sweet aromas in the mall...

Not really much to report today.
I’d forgotten that my colleague had the day off and initially thought that she was late because the trains were having problems. Then reception told me that she was off. Oh well. I’m quite happy working on my own. I was going to have chat to her today as she isn’t the tidiest cookie and had left a piece of equipment in a room that I knew would be in use later in the day.  Never mind. I put it way later.
I was going to write the other day about the smells that I encounter on my way in to work. When I work at the other site as I did yesterday I don’t have to go outside the tube station to get into the mall and head towards work. So walk with me into the mall and the first store I encounter is a florist. The smell from the flowers some days is amazing. The spring flowers are in full noise. If I was to close my eyes I would htink I was in a field of freesias. Then there was the amazing smell of lilies a few weeks ago. Only the roses are disappointing. All bloom and no perfume which I think is really disappointing. Anyone who knows me well knows that I love roses for their perfume, not just for their looks. When we lived in the Bay of Plenty in NZ I planted climbing roses under the bedroom window. Chosen first for their perfume and second for their looks. The scent was beautiful. We had the opportunity to visit the place again a couple of years later and I was so disappointed to discover that they had all been cut out.
So back to the Mall. Past the florist and a few doors down is the key cutting shop tha also mends shoes, boy the smell is pretty nasty. I’ve been in the store to leave a pair of shoes to be mended and wonder how the chaps in the store deal with the smell of the solvents. The fumes must mean that the chemicals in the air get into their blood stream with such a prolonged all day exposure. It reminded me of the time The Man gave a mate a hand at varnishing the floor of a hall we used to go to. It was a very special pour on finish that had to be smoothed out. After working with the stuff all day he came home reeking of it and I could still smell it on his breath a couple of days later as his body go rid of the chemicals.
The next aromatic store sells doughnuts and only doughnuts. Hmmmmmmmm it does smell yummy and when these are very fresh they taste yummy too. Their products have all sorts of flavoursome toppings or you can have them plain. Give me the chocolate coated ones any day.
By now were are well into the food court area and the smell of coffee is all that matters it never fails to amaze me how great the stuff smells compared to how it tastes. At Victoria train station the main aroma that assails the senses as soon as you get off the platform is a sweet sticky maple syrup smell from one of the bakery store. Their maple walnut pastries are heavenly.
Oh n there I go talking about food again!!
Finally just before I get to where I exit the mall is small sweet smelling store that sells perfumes and cosmetics. At the moment their window display is all flowers and ribbons, very pretty and smells wonderful.

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