Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 30 March 2012

End of week drama...

This has to fall into the 'would you believe it, category. One of the politicians advised motorists to fill and store jerry cans of petrol at home, Because of a ‘potential’ shortage that might be caused by a possible tanker driver strike. As you can imagine this caused a major rush on petrol suppliers and what do you know a fuel shortage. Unfortunately it has also created a dangerous and potential fatal situation for one woman. She was decanting the fuel in her kitchen with the gas cooker on. I was going to say a sure fire recipe for disaster, but thought that the pun was in bad taste. What I will say instead is that it was inevitable that there would be an awful outcome. The woman is hospital with severe burns to 40% of her body.
Not only that the taker driver could earn  up to an extra £250 a week in overtime after the powers that be allowed them to work extra hours to get fuel to struggling garages.
I’ve had a pretty good Friday. This morning plenty of clients to keep me busy, too busy coming up to midday though, so instead of going for my planned lunchtime walk I decided to get the mornings work out of the way. Just had time for a quick dash to the local supermarket.
I had planned my day so that I could spend the last hour entering names onto a spreadsheet for a client satisfaction survey. Got to do one of them every quarter. Well those plans went right out the window; they would have if I had been able to open one. Just on 1600 got message from reception about a distressed client demanding to see one of the occupational health nurses. Now said occy health person was absolutely run off her feet and messaged reception asking if I could see her. Only thing I could do was to comply. Short version is I had to trot out my very very rusty counselling skills and then try to contact one of the counsellors.
Text and email messages flying hither and yon and a few phone calls to receptionist at the site where he was working to make sure he actually saw the email and just before it was time for me to leave at 1700 all was sorted . Entering those names will just have to wait for another day.

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