Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Vroom vroom...

Quite a chilly start to the day today, but with the promise of warmth later. And it did live up to its promise too. Not that I actually got out to bask in it. I had intended to go for a walk at lunch time but like those best laid plans of mice and men, mine went gang aft agley too and I wound up working through part of it. 
I had intended to finish up dead on time so that The Man, who was coming to meet me, and I would be able to catch the 1715. All went well until about 1645 when a chappie came in with a badly upset gut. Well what could I do but see him.
We had hoped to get to Crystal Palace Park earlier than we did, to see something of the movie  makingthat is being made there. We had chanced upon the preparations of it on Sunday on our way down to the station. The chap minding the gate said that the crew were filming part of a movie that would be called ’Rush’, and would be about formula three racing. On our way home that day we strolled through the park, past the start finish line. No cars or people just hay bales, advertising banners, lots of seating and tents. We were excited to see the covered transporter trailers and to learn that we might just get a look at the cars on Tuesday on our way home.
So needless to say I was disappointed when I wasn’t able to get away from work on time. We’d gotten the West Croydon train home, which meant that we got off at Anerly and caught the bus up the hill to Crystal Palace Station. OMG will you just look at that. The man nudged me, goodness me even I was surprised, there at the bus stop among the other people waiting for the bus was a young woman with her boobs hanging on to her top for dear life. Any further out and she might as well not have had any top on at all. She got on the same bus as we did and it was interesting to watch peoples reaction as the got an eyeful, well more than an eyeful.  
At the park we were initially disappointed thinking that the cars had been put away as it looked as though the crew had packed up a lot of their equipment. But the full throated roar of an engine told us that at least one car still had its freedom. We were rewarded when several of them were either towed or driven past us on their way to the trailers. Now we can’t wait to see the movie. 

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