Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 26 March 2012

Bikes Barbershop and BBC comedy

I meant to tell you about the skate boarders and trick cyclist we saw at the Clissold Park yesterday. There were two ‘pits’ for want of a better word. In the smaller one a little chap no more than about ten years old was whizzing around very fast, up and over the humps and hollows like a professional. We were both very pleased to see that he had a skid lid on. The bigger pit had steeper sides and more humps and hollows that the smaller one. In this one a group of cyclists showed off their tricks and turns and had the occasional spill too. There was a trio of guys who played follow the leader and had a couple of near misses. Something that did surprise us was the age of some of these guys; they would have had to have been all of thirty years old.
Today courtesy of British Summer Time we are back to getting up in the dark so we didn’t know if it was foggy or not.  By the time we were ready to leave the sun had gotten up, and yes it was a bit foggy. As usual I got to Canary Wharf early and was soon being handed my regular coffee. The staff are great and remember the regulars orders. So there I am, sat in my usual spot by the window skyping the kids back at home in NZ. The store usually has music playing, but I could hear another different sound over the top of the in store music.  Just outside the window was a quartet of chaps singing. Yes that's right singing. Like they had spontaneously burst into song. I watched them for a while and realised that they weren’t on their own. Their entourage consisted of three or four young men and women. By the time I had finished my coffee and was ready to head to work they had moved their barber shop harmony to the other side of the station. Curiosity got the better of me, well it would you too, and I could now see that they all had purple tee shirts on with ‘Bullied by the Boss’ written across the front. It turned out that they were promoting a book of the same name; According to the promo literature they were handing out the book was part memoir part self-help book. 

Late last year we went to the BBC to watch the filming of a TV version of an old radio show. Called ‘Just a Minute’. We had just about given up seeing it come up in the TV listing. And finally tonight it did.  Tonight’s episode wasn’t the one we saw being made, but there is another episode scheduled to  screen tomorrow night.

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