Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 8 March 2012

Busy, busy, busy...

Well what a busy day that was and I’m quite pleased to have it over and done with. I quite enjoy working on my own (colleague on leave for this week) and being busy means that the time goes so fast you can hardly see its legs moving.
Had an interesting start with a chappie going on holiday and needing vaccinations. Followed by a more run of the mill ‘I think I’ve got the flu’ well man flu at least. Anyone who has really had the flu will never call a mild cold the flu again. Even The Man has stopped doing it. Christmas 2010 we spent at Salisbury, and it was a white Christmas to boot. Absolutely beautiful. We stayed in a lovely hotel just out of town, and for Christmas lunch we were seated in a bay window looking out on a Christmas card like snowy scene. I thought the food was great, The Man hardly touched his, he even couldn’t do justice to the pudding (I know I’m on about food again). After lunch we went back up to our room and he went to bed. Poor chap had contracted what I am sure was swine flu. I have never seen him so sick. He just went to bed for four days, good thing I had brought my trusty first aid kit complete with paracetamol  and ibuprofen. Good thing too that there were some pretty good TV programmes. The hotel staff were great and kept me supplied with a steady stream of goodies to eat.
Now, where was I? That’s right, after the bloke with man flu, something much more interesting. A preggy lady, all of 30 weeks (a normal pregnancy is 40 weeks) saying ‘haven’t felt much movements in the last couple of days’. Pop yourself up on the bed luv while I go get my Doppler machine. And there it is, the beautiful sound of a baby’s heart stonking away at 140 beats a minute, and a very happy mum to be. Must be the day for mums to be, for my next two are very early in the piece both between five and seven weeks. But the icing on the cake had to be being able to confirm a pregnancy for my last client of the morning. Oh I do love my job.

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