Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Watch the birdie

An anniversary has come and gone. No not a wedding one, but it has now been a day or so more than two years since we arrived in the UK. The Man and I had thought that we would work for part of the year and then tour for the remainder. Good thing we had plan B. The financial situation here meant that we decided to hunker down in London and tour out from there. It took The Man a good 6 months to find the job that he has, and it is a good job too.  I found work initially through an agency, but it was pretty boring and the unit was going to be closed down in a few months anyway. It took me several month of looking before I finally decided to advertise myself on Gumtree. Just before the end of 2010 I received a phone call from my present boss, and the rest is history.
Interesting date today 21/3/12. I guess there has to be a name for that sort of thing bit I can’t remember what it’s called. Had similar recently too 12/3/21. Well I like it anyway.
Very quiet day at the other site today, client wise that is. Good place to catch up on the admin and my own personal learning as well. I’m looking at doing a course or two soon, just not sure what it will be yet. There are quite a few options for me to choose from.
I went for a walk at lunch time, the weather was really nice.  A good day for a stroll around the inner waterway that separates one side of Canary Wharf from the other. Last year the waterway management placed several artificial reed beds, which unfortunately have not turned green so I do not htink that they are going to grow. I see a couple of Great Crested Grebes occasionally and today I noticed that one was swimming quite close to the reed bed and this made me look closer. Sure enough there on the edge of the reed bed within about 10 metres of the nearby footpath and across the road from a very noisy building site was the other bird on a nest. As I watched, the sitting bird got up and turned over the three eggs that it had been sitting on.
I also saw two Canada Geese, not nesting though. 

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