Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 16 March 2012


Boy have I had a good day. Yesterday I wasn’t looking forward to doing the Immediate Life Support course. But having done it I am very pleased that I did.  Why was I not looking forward to it? Well I was sure it was going to put me out of my comfort zone. OK, those of you who know me well would give me a bit of my own advice and tell me that it would be a good learning experience. And they would be right. I learned a great deal and thoroughly enjoyed it. The instructors were excellent, the content absolutely spot on. The practical was well planned to test each of us, and as we all work in different clinical situations that was very important. It was great to see some new pieces of kit and to practice with them. 
There’s a quiz programme on over here called Eggheads. One of the regular panel members, when he hasn’t had it clipped, has very shiny black hair. Tonight when I saw him it took me right back to my Dad, Why you ask, going ask me why? Ok I’ll tell you…
All through his life he kept his lovely thick curly hair in control with Brylcream. Brylcream, a little dab’ll do it… or something like that I tried googling the words to the add but couldn’t find them. You might to better.  No matter. So what’s this stuff you ask? It was a thick white cream that made the hair manageable and gave it a lovely sheen.  I think I could probably count on the fingers on one hand the number of times I saw him without his hair immaculately done. And it grew fast too, he would have it cut at least every four weeks. In fact he was always immaculately turned out. That was unless he was working on some DIY job or had his head under the bonnet of the car.  He was very good with his hands, could turn them to just about anything.
One fiddly job I do remember him having a bit of a challenge with, was replacing the head lining of the car. There was a fair bit of mumbling and awkward gyrations inside the car, but he did get there in the end, complete with some comment about not wanting to do that again.

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