Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Thoughts on a train..

Now here a first I’m blogging on the train coming home from the movies with The Man, We went to see Denzel Washington in a movie called Safe House, wow would he give Matt Damon a run for his money, no Matt D wasn’t in this one, a chap called Reynolds was, and boy was he good, Great action and lots of shoot em up, car chases the works.
But the good guy wins in the end, oops hope I haven't given the ending away.
Had good day at work, pretty busy. Minor glitch early on though. Had to do an exercise ECG with someone. Here how it goes, Lead connections across the chest, hook him up to the machine, a bit like setting up for an ordinary ECG, then the machine take his BP. Next have the client sit on the bike and pedal. The machine automatically takes his BP every 2 minutes then cranks up the resistance on the pedals it does this cycle after cycle until the maximum predicted heart rate is reached. Then take the client off the bike, lay them down hit recovery phase on the keyboard and wait another five mines. Well that is how it is supposed to work, Client got almost to his max heart rate, then suddenly the machine goes into recovery mode! Bother. Then, thinking on my feet I take a manual BP, and quick as I can hook him up to the portable ECG machine and get a recovery ECG, then another B.P I think I was sweating as much as the client was. But we got there in the end
Called the service techies and they will be in on Friday, reception has postponed the one scheduled for tomorrow so all is well. Goodness, the train is just about at our station so must stop and hit the send button

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