Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 12 March 2012

fish and food

A special day for my besest friend today. Who’s that I hear you ask The Man of course, and yes he is my best friend. How many people are fortunate enough to be able to spend all the free hours with their best mate? Not too many I bet. Among other things I gave him for his birthday  was some chocolate fish. A bit ho hum you think? No, anything but. You can’t get the regular variety over here, you know the sort. You know the ones I mean, the chocolate covered marshmallow variety.  Anyway, there I was doing a bit of Christmas shopping and I spotted them. Just perfect for The Man I thought and they were. We both had a laugh this morning when I gave them to him long with the nice smellies. He even took them to work him. 

Buckys have had free iTunes downloads for a few months now and I have a nice few pieces of music and a couple of books. This week’s offering is a book called .How to Cook Anything’. I now thee I go talking about food again, anyone would think I was fixated on it. I do have to admit to having a bit of a sweet tooth. Must have got it from my father. He loved a good Pavlova, crisp on the outside and soft and marshmallowy on the inside.
When we lived in PNG we regularly hosted or were invited to dinner parties or would help to cater for fund raising events put on by CWA. One of my specialities was a Pavlova. Really easy to make they were too. I used to buy a mixture from the supermarket, add water and beat and beat and pretty soon there was a lovely thick egg whitey mix to pop into a slow oven. The results were yummy.
The very first one was a bit of a flop. No not the Pavlova but the decorating of it. Back home in NZ if you were taking a pav along as a dessert you would arrive with it creamed and decorated. I learned that this is not the way in the tropical heat. Definitely not. In no time at all the whipped cream would lose its shape and along with the fruit segments would slump off the top into n ooey gooey mess around the outsides.  Never mind. And I only ever did that the once.

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