Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 15 March 2012

Beware, the Ides of March...

A prophet said to Julius Cesar, ‘Beware, the Ides of March’. In other words lookout for yourself on March 15 Julie
Did you know though that all the other months have Ides in them? Honestly they do. In March, May, July and October it is the 15th of the month, in all other months it’s the 13th. The Romans had an odd way of identifying particular days of the month. Kalends was the very first day of every month. That's where the word calendar comes from. Nones was the name for the 7th day in March, May, July and October and the 5th in all other months.  
We woke to a very foggy morning with only about 50 metres of visibility. Didn’t make any difference to o our commute, but the motorways would have been rather slow. Had a good day today, a goldilocks sort of day, not too busy not too slow, just right. Usual run of people needing blood tests, then a few travel health briefs to be created. I’m off on that course tomorrow so had to fit in in my usual Friday routine today. That is to check and replenish the cupboards and make a shopping list of the things we need, and create a purchase order to buy them in with. Tried to catch up on reading the booklet for tomorrow’s course at lunchtime, no time for a walk in the sunshine today. After that foggy start it was good to see the sun. Weather forecast his morning said that it could get up as high as 20 degrees today. Don’t think it did get that high though. My turn to do the medicals today, but the first 2 cancelled or rescheduled, good timing to check he crash bags and other things too.
This evening we dropped the bags at home, had a quick coffee then headed around to the supermarket to stock up on a few essentials. Own brand tins of slice peaches 30p, seventy cents in old money. And bags of 300gms of parsnips that have past their sell by date and reduced from 70p to 25p. Snapped those up in a hurry. Goodness me there I go talking about food again. Oh well while I’m on the subject I also bought what has become our favourite dessert. A lovely moist carrot cake with lemon icing, decorated with walnuts. Yummy you think ? Even yummier warmed in the microwave and served with thick double cream mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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