Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 11 March 2012

Singing songs

Sometimes the time difference between here and home is frustrating. Why so? Well today is one of the grandees birthdays. We missed out on our chance to put a family tradition into practice. I think I’ve mention it before, it is to sing them the happy birthday song, very off key you understand. Well we missed it. It is still the 11th here, but it is the 12th there. All I can say to that is bother! I know the kids will understand, but it I still fell a bit put out.
So what did we do today? Not a lot really. A sleep in for a start, trying to catch up on the sleep deficit. Then The Man worked his magic with breakfast, well brunch actually. Very yummy.
There is a store locally called Iceland that specialises in frozen foods, which annoyingly does not open on Sundays. Yesterday afternoon we managed to get there before closing to do a bit of grocery shopping. Today we walked around to our local Sainsbury’s (supermarket a bit like New World at home) to buy the fresh and non-food grocery items. This one does open on Sundays but shuts at 5pm. There I go talking about food again!
It was gone one o’clock by the time we got back and put the shopping away, so it was time for us to make a move towards the city. The Man had scored us tickets to go see HMS Pinafore. OK so it isn’t a rock concert, but it did enable me to tick another to do item off the list. That is to see a Gilbert and Sullivan show.  Our preferred train line is closed for planned maintenance so we hopped on the Southern to London Victoria and via one of the underground lines running from there we got to our destination. I’ve said it before; it is very easy to get around here. Going this way did take a bit longer than the direct route, but we had allowed plenty of time as the performance didn’t start until three.
It was an enjoyable performance, well I thought so. The Man? Well he’s great, and puts up with things so that I can enjoy them.

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