Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Trains and movies

Just a short blog tonight. I’m well into the habit now so before I head to bed I must jot down a few words. It was an interesting run to work this morning. First I had to come back for my Bucks cup, then had to come back to get my train/bus pass. Well, we got to the station late and got on the Southern to get us further down the line so that we would have more opportunities to catch a London Oveground. Off a couple of stations later only to hear the announcement that due to vandalism this whole section of the oveground was out. So on to the next southern, and off at London Bridge. The Man did a walk of about 15 minutes and arrived at work just about on time. I caught the Jubilee to Canary Warf and arrived at my ususal favourite coffee shop only 20 minutes late. Pretty Good.
After work The Man and I went to the movies to see The best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
It starred one of our favourites actors Dame Judi Dench. Last year we had the most awesome good luck to sit next to her and her daughter the stage show Les Mis. The movie is a must watch if you get the chance. Tonight it was great to see her on the big screen, and listen to her husky voice. I remember her on several sitcoms like As time Goes By.
Anyway the movie was excellent, very funny and beautiful. Set in India it showed the vibrancy of colour and crush of people. One of the saying in it was “Everything will be alright in the end, and if it is not alright then it is not the end”

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