Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 31 March 2012

Book book...

Our plan for the weekend was to go out and about today and have a relatively quiet day tomorrow. I’d set the alarm so that we could have good early start. Well  when I got up at about 6 to go to the bathroom it was pretty foggy out there so i went back to bed and unset the alarm. If it’s a nice day tomorrow we’ll have an early start.
So what did we do today. Well I took advantage of the fact that it was Saturday and that the laundry in our building was open so to begin with I did the washing. Even though we have a decent sized back yard there’s no line out there. So even though it goes against my greeny principles it’s everything in the drier.  
Then I thought I’d wander around to the local library to do a bit of family tree research on their computors. Most libraries have free access to Ancestry; unfortunately I discovered that this one doesn’t.
Talking about the local library,  it is under threat of closure. Why, because all the councils here are having to tighten their belts and make very significant budget cuts. The powers that be have decided that our library has to go. Ours isn’t the only one either, oh dear no. And there have been many campaigns to save the local book repository and so far I don’t think any of them have been successful. It would be such a shame if this one were to close. Even though it is a stand-alone library, and we cannot interloan books it would still be a great loss to the community if it were to go.
We see so many adds on TV begging for money for this charity or other and asking for just a few pounds a month by direct debit.  Pathetic animals or poorly children are pictured to tug at our heartstrings. Well I say it’s all very well to help those overseas charities, but isn’t charity supposed to state at home.

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