Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 18 March 2012

The sun was shining and the sky was blue when we got up. Admittedly it was well after nine. After I spent another 2 hours making love we decided to go out for a bit of fresh air ,this muff diving  is hell on the breathing . But it’s worth it, now back to the editor…

Hmmmmmmmm Methinks that someone has been tampering with my writing, but hey what the hell he could be right. And only him and I know lol.

OK where was I? That’s right telling you about our outing today. After a leisurely breakfast and a sort through the walking tour guides we set off for Amersham. No oveground service today, but the southern trains go from Crystal Place. Change at Victoria to Oxford Circus on the Victoria Line, then on Bakerloo line for Baker Street where we hopped onto a Metropolitan Line train bound for Amersham. I have to say it again, getting around in London is so easy. Whole trip fom our door probably took us about two hours.. 

At Amersham we followed the guide instructions, left out of the station, up the road, under the bridge and across the road. Following the sign that said public footpath we walked down beside a group of houses and found ourselves in the quite pretty Parsonage Wood. Spotted squirrels, of course, Blue Tits, magpies and some other birds we couldn’t identify.  The woods came out at the top of a hill and we walked down through farmland that had a brand new crop of what looked like wheat growing .Spread out below was the little town we had come to see.   
In the days of stage coaches Amersham was a first rest stop out of London and had, still has lots of inns. Many with high wide entryways still evident. Large enough to allow a horse drawn carriage through. At the little museum we learned that Amersham was mentioned in the Doomsday Book back in 1806, but there was an old hearth in the building that pre dated that, with older remains below that. So the Town was around in the 1500's.
 The town generally was a pretty peaceful place with little unrest in its past. Apart from religious persecution resulting in martyrs being burned at the stake that is.

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