Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Thoughst about trains and shoppers

 Found myself on the wrong train coming home tonight. Well that was a silly thing to do and how did I manage it. Quite easily I thought. I’d arranged to meet The Man on the homeward train at Canada Water (one stop from Canada Water)
So how did I manage to do It.? Read on and I’ll tell you. Caught the train from CW easily enough, a train was leaving Canada Water station as I arrived and when I looked at the information board I thought I saw that the Crystal Palace train was next in. Hmm, there’s a bit more of a crow waiting for the train than usual. Now that should have alerted me as the West Corydon is usually very full, that’s because he managed to get onto the right train which was behind the one I got onto. Once the train got away from the confines of the station I texted The Man ‘are you on the 1730? I am’ an affirmative answer came back. I thought I’ll find him when the crush of passengers gets off. So I content myself with reading the paper. There is an automated message announcing the name of the next station. So I hear next station is Sydenham n think goodness me the train is still quite full. Doors close and the announcement is next station is Penge West. Hang on after Sydenham it should be Crystal Palace. Now there is the tinkling sound of penny dropping. More like a clanging sound.  Silly  me.
I’ve noticed when I go out into the mall at lunch time that there are are definite categories of shoppers. Here are a few of them. 

1) The dawdler, has no shopping goal in mind, is out just for a walk. Generally meanders in front of other shoppers with no regard for others. Particularly hazardous in pairs.

2) Food on the hoof walker. Is a little faster than number one, but having stood in a queue to buy food for almost all of their lunch hour they eat in on the way back. These could be  hazardous  to others both as potential spillers and like number one have no regard for others. 

3)the determined walker. Has a definite goal in mind. Keeps to the least crowded side of the mall. Obviously observant and plans proposed route to get to the destination by the shortest and easiest method 

4) The very determined Walker. Similar to number three, but has virtually no forward planning skills or regard for others.  Weaves in and out of other shoppers in slalom like action. Likely to encounter numbers one and two in collision or near miss situations.

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