Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Another busy day, but much better that yesterday. Frustrating at time as the techie part of our event didn’t perform as it should have. Not only did it take a full 150 seconds to give a result. As it was expected to do. At least 30% of the time it did not want to read, how frustrating is that? Very, I can tell you. Still it is all over now; the next event is more a matter of us being in an advisory and supportive role that actually being on the front line.
I’m quite looking forward to tomorrow as it is my week to man the other site. It’s only a short 5 minute walk from the main site, but the big difference is that we are on our own at the off site. It can be tedious at the off site when not many people make appointments, but the good thing there is that the day is totally under my control, well to a point. So long as I see the clients who have made appointments the rest of the time is mine. It is an excellent place to catch up on admin work, audit surveys and study. Tomorrow I think will be a study day as I am up to date with the admin and there is no survey due for another two months, we do them quarterly.
In the news at the mo are articles about water shortages and how we must all save water now because of the potential drought conditions, but in some areas of the UK there is enough rain. It never fails to amaze me why it is only when the water is in short supply that we are urged to conserve the stuff. Surely we should be conserving it all the time, like not leaving the tap running when we clean out teeth. Public rest rooms are typical water wasters, drippy taps, and taps that won’t turn off or loos that continually run water into the bowl. So where is the genuine interest in conserving water? Seems to me it is a case of nimbyism. So long as someone else saves it then we don’t have too, right? Wrong?  OK I’ll get off the soapbox now.

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