Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 27 February 2012

of tissues and toys...

Wasn’t a good idea to just wear my little jacket today instead of my nice warm coat. Why not well I got a bit chilly on my lunchtime walk it didn’t put me off too much though. I was very pleased to have brought my scarf with me.
 Couple of weeks ago The Man played Good Samaritan and gave a chap on the train a tissue. That was on a Friday morning; on the Monday when the chap got on the train he just about leapt on The Man and gave him a little pack of tissues as a thank you. Since then he’s sat next to us each morning and chats away like we were old friends, well I suppose him and The man are becoming that way.
On the station each day, each weekday, there is a free morning and evening paper. I don’t like them much ‘cos they leave ink all over my fingers. I usually read a bit over my man’s shoulder. Some of the articles are entertaining and some are just downright silly.  He was taken with an article about  using ancient human poo to learn about how the ancestors lived. Sounds a  bit wiffy to me.
Now in the evenings paper was an article that interested me. It was about an American woman who has come up with a new and innovative take on something of interest to the ladies.  According to the paper   ‘…it looks and feels more like a high-end, heavyweight tuning fork. But your PowerPoint presentations might just be about to get a lot more stimulating - this slick, sleek, discreet new vibrator is being hailed as "the iPod of sex toys" as it can also store your sensitive documents and Excel spreadsheets. It costs $149 [£94] and will soon be available in London’.

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