Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Work, walk and a movie...

This morning when I went to work in my windowless room, working at the other site as I mentioned below the weather wasn’t too bad. Cool and a bit windy but dry. I was looking forward to a walk at lunchtime and had goggled up a map and worked out a good route to take. With my route written down I donned my coat and scarf and…Whoa. No walk for me, well not the one I had planned anyway cos it was raining, and had been for a while. That’s what happens when you can’t see outside. So plan b, I always have a plan b. Down to the underground station, through the shopping mall and via a circuitous route I made my way to the main site. See I told you it wasn’t far. I decided that as I couldn’t do the walk I wanted I might as well pop over and bring back some supplies rather than have to call in on my way there in Friday and waste precious Skype time at my local Buckys.
Talking of Buckys, when I went in this morning  I looked around to choose a seat, comfy of course, selected  my spot and noticed that there was a cup on the table. Oh well maybe the person will have gone by the time I get my coffee. Notice I said that I had only seen a cup and not the person who it belonged too. Anyway I was served with my usual coffee, collected a couple of paper serviettes and made my way to my choice of seat. Cup was still there and an iPhone, but  no one seated. I looked around and couldn’t see anyone making their way to the seat so I sat down and waited. No body turned up so I eventual handed the phone over to the counter staff. How on earth could anyone walk away and leave such an expensive gadget behind I do not know. That is the second we’ve found and handed in. some sort of backwards justice there as I have had two stolen.
Tonight we went to see the latest Tom Hanks movie. Extremely Loud and Up Close. Well something like that. A few days ago I read a synopsis of it and was set to be a bit disappointed as the writer of it wasn’t very flattering. Said it was smaltsy and too over the top. I was very pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it.  Basic storyline is that a dad is killed at 9/11 and the son is looking for the answer to a message he thinks his father has left him in the form of a key. Worth a watch if you get the chance.

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