Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 9 February 2012

Home alone...and I don't like it much...

Goodness me it is a very long time since I called in sick. In fact I don’t remember the last time.
I have had a very quiet day at home and it is very odd being here by myself, first time since we have been here that it has happened, not sure that I like it much either. Being home alone I mean.  This morning I quietly pottered round, and over the space of several hours managed to get all the washing done and dried and put away. And goodness me I had a Victor Meldrew moment “I don’t believe it!” All the socks matched up, not an odd one left over. Has to be some sort of phenomenon for that to happen.
Then I pulled out my sewing box and stitched up the hems that had come down on a couple of pairs of my trousers. Makes a change from having them temporarily held up with sticky tape.
I’d been keeping an eye on the temperature outside and thought to myself “O good, it has gotten warmer” but what I took for 10 degrees was actually 1.0 degrees, well it was warmer than earlier this morning. The day is what I call a black and white day. Low cloud cover makes everything seem  monochromatic.
After lunch I felt  a little better and decided to take a quiet walk around to the supermarket with our trust granny trolley in tow. It is just a short five minute walk away. Well usually it takes that long, today I am a bit slower.  It was either that or have The Man go after work. It probably wasn’t such a good thing as now that I am back I am coughing a bit more. Still, I expect the walk in the fresh air will have done me some good.
Some of you will know that I am an NCIS fan, well if you didn’t you do now. Anyway over here in the UK the series has been running very far behind. Not that there aren’t some benefits, catching up on missed episodes and all. So when the TV station announced that a new series of it was starting I got quite excited because I thought we had finally caught up. No such luck! The ‘new’ series is actually the last series we saw in NZ. Oh well I guess there will be the odd one we haven’t seen.

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