Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 19 February 2012

We have had a quiet day today which is pretty unusual for us to do that. It started very well, waking up next t and having a nice lie in with my best friend is the best start to any day. Couple that with a breakfast of bacon, eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes cooked by The Man and you can see why things are well in our world.  Weather wise it was pretty good too, clear blue sky and nary a breath of wind, I bet there was a bit of a frost out there too, but we got up too late to see any sign of that.
So it was a good chance to have a bit of a tidy up and a chuck out. It seems like we accumulate all manner of papers and magazines. I found a couple of recipes too that I had cut out to try, now well attached to the fridge. Hmm might even give that courgette and cherry tomato risotto a try for our tea tonight. And the one for bean and rice salad sounds like ti will be ideal to make up and take for lunch.
I’ve been looking through the pictures we’ve been taking and I thought as I didn’t have much more to say today that I would share a few with you. 

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