Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 5 February 2012

And the snow was still there this morning too.
Surprisingly it is not as cold as it was earlier in the week. Minus 5 then and only 0 degrees outside. Mind you later in the day it rose to a whole three degrees.
After admiring the pretty scenery from our third floor windows we donned our waterproof legging, boots, parkas and hats and went for a walk to the park. Lots of others had the same idea. There were families with squealing kids, people with dogs, and quite a few like us armed with cameras determined to get ‘The Picture’.

It was great fun to watch the kids and more than a few grownups too tobogganing down the slopes. Some on proper sleds, others on whatever they could lay their hands on. Old bin lids and plastic bags seemed to work equally as well as the bought variety. There was even a couple who had attached their skis to a box and were having great fun.
Not so good for the many waterfowl who use the lake at Crystal palace. Canada Geese, ducks, Coots,  and others stood around on the frozen surface. In places where the water was running a couple of ducks were paddling around seemingly oblivious to the cold. How do they do that? In one tree there was  great huddle of pigeons and we heard one of the wild parakeets too.
Further on and the large flat fields were full of kids and grown-ups making snowmen and throwing snowballs. The dogs looked like they were having  fun running and skidding throwing up great flurries of snow trying to catch sticks and balls.
Then around a bit further are the famous dinosaurs of the park. The coating of snow on their backs making them even more lifelike than ever. Especially the huge antlered elk like deer. 
Making our way back we walked beside the roadway and watched the cars trying to get up the slope to the exit gate. Some of the drivers obviously had no idea at all about how to drive in snow and were slipping and sliding all over the place, making us cringe as they just missed other vehicles.

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