Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Bugs and Bees

 Well I guess it had to happen sooner or later considering how many unwell people I have seen recently. No prizes for guessing that I am harbouringong the dreaded lurgey. Thoughi f you called it that over here no one would know what you were taking about. Lurgey is that some kind of French visitor I can hear them asking.
When I was a kid we would listen to the early morning kids programmes on weekday before school, there was Buzz O’bumble the bee that was the sidekick of a radio presenter called Lindsey Yeo. He would be wishing kids happy birthday and sending good wishes to those who were sick. Not sure if it was on that programme or not, anyway on one of them if you were sick they would send ‘cheer germs’ to them. I could do with some of those now. Isn’t that a contradiction in terms, cheer and germs .
Yeo held conversations with the bee, much he same way as grown-ups do with children. This is the only website I could find where he was in conversation with said bee

There were other characters too Buzz was joined by Belinda Bee and Wally Weta,a nd I think Belinda and Buzz had triplets bees. Yes I was right, below is a quoe from Wiki. Good ole wiki. No such luck with Bumbleland tho.
Yeo through much of the 1970s and 1980s was the breakfast host of the Wellington radio station 2ZB. It consistently was the number one rated Wellington breakfast radio programme until the late 1980s. One of Yeo's creations was the children's character "Buzz O'Bumble"[1] who appeared every day on the radio show, with his other friends "Belinda" the bee and "Wally Weta". Little has been heard of these characters since the format of 2ZB changed to news/talk in the late 1990s, and his community oriented breakfast show was replaced with news, interviews and talkback.[2]
The character Belinda was Buzz's wife and they also had a family, Bimbo, Bonny and Bobo. The children were most often played by Lindsay's own family. Wally Weta also had stage friends, Super Spider, Dumb Dumb and Dimwit the clowns. The group toured doing shows around the country. Buzz was seen riding elephants in the Moscow Circus parade though Wellington streets. Riding 8' unicycles at the Stratford stockcar track. Later Lindsay developed Bumbleland which allowed character expansion and he introduced a family of elves once again played by his own family.
The theme song used was, "It's A Small World".


  1. thats so cool, carissa and ashley thought it was lame, but i was really excited to hear them again lol
    im so glad you love to reminesce :-)

  2. There are more memories where they came from, do you rememeber Count Homogonised?
