Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 25 February 2012

Critters, sreet art and eggs...

One of The Man’s workmates suggested a museum for us to visit, which is where we have been today. The Geffrye, yes that is how you spell it, is according to its brochure the Museum of the Home   It shows the changing style of the English domestic interior in a series of period rooms   It has an amazingly varied collection of fabrics and furniture from the 1700’s to today. Beginning with a 1649  drawing room we walked through the changing years and uses of this room that was the centre of family life. There was also a lovely garden room to sit in that was decorated with  a pretty mural that my camera wouldn't do any justice to, but I did take a few snaps of some of the critters in it.
The building that houses the museum was a group of 18th century almshouse. Unfortunately the herb garden and walled garden won’t be open to the public for another couple of weeks, but there is a tree lines large front lawn where we sat in the sun to have our lunch. Back home we would be inundated with sparrows and starling looking for a feed, all we saw today were a couple of pigeons. There is a noticeable lack of little birds in London because, we are told, there was an  outbreak of salmonella a few years ago that  decimated the population.  
We had taken the oveground to Hoxton, which is where the museum is, and noticed a couple of interesting things that we wanted to have a closer look at. So instead of catching the train back we hopped on a bus that was going in the right direction and got off at Shoreditch High Street. Not the most go ahead area and in places definitely a bit depressed. I took a few pictures of some of the more interesting things we saw; I hope you think they are interesting too. 
 We meandered through the area and eventually found ourselves at Liverpool Street Station where we spotted another of the large Easter Eggs that are part of the Big Easter Egg Hunt. There are a few around Canary Wharf where I work too. The competition is to txt the code from each egg and the winner who gets the most, and there are 200 of them around London, wins a specially created Faberge miniature. The eggs themselves will be auctioned off for charity. And no we are not taking part in the hunt.

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