Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 13 February 2012

Not much to say today...

Back to work today and feeling almost like myself again, thank goodness.
This is one of those days when I am not sure what to write about; it has become something of a habit, this adding to the blog each day and even thought I don’t have a lot to say I feel that I must write something.
Last week and gain today we watched a programme about Queen Elizabeth; this is after all her diamond jubilee year. It is interesting to see the inside of Buck House albeit the public rooms and not the private apartments, well who would want the press snooping in their bedroom. We watched a rerun of her christening the yacht Britannia followed by a close up of a seemingly grief stricken HRH decommissioning the yacht that was in her own words the place where she could be herself free from public gaze.
I remember as children we all wished we could be princesses and have all that we thought went along with it. Pretty clothes and lots of jewels, parties and fun. But I think the reality is very far from that rose coloured view that we had. Who on earth would want to spend their entire life in the public eye having to always be on show. Of course there must be some good things about the lifestyle but give me the life I have any day of the week, no way would I change places with her, not for all the tea in China.

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