Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 16 February 2012

Noises off and machines...

 The mornings are becoming lighter and a lot warmer than it has been, double figures no less. A whole ten degrees.
A week or so ago I sent our work audiometer away to be calibrated and repaired. I unpacked it and what do you know the speaker from one side of the headset fell out! Not only that the fault that I had asked to be looked at is still happening. So no prizes for guessing what happened next. You got it right, back it has gone with a letter telling them that I don’t expect to have the company I work for to be charged the courier fee. So we will just have to wait and see.
Some of you will know that The Man uses a CPAP machine. Last time we went to the doc  I asked her to refer The Man and his machine to the locals sleep centre to have it checked. Well t hasn’t had one for a good three years, maybe four. I was pleasantly surprised when an appointment turned up only a few weeks after. Well he has his appointment yesterday; yes I let him go all by himself, and home he came not only with new mask and hoses, but with a nice shiny new machine too. Very space age it looks too, and nowhere near as heavy or as big either.
He’s used the machine for so many years that I have become accustomed to the noise of it to such a degree that if he turns it off in the night it wakes me up. This new machine is virtually silent. Good thing that I sleep with an earphone it. That’s because I often have trouble getting off to sleep because my brain is too busy, so I listen to one of my many CD’s with stories on them. Then if I am having real trouble getting to sleep I listen to Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy on the MP3player.

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