Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 15 February 2012

How strange is that...

It is quite disconcerting to unexpectedly catch a rear view of yourself and see someone else. Bear with me and I will try to explain what I mean. There are lots of mirrors in the washroom that I use and from certain portions you can see yourself from behind. The first time I looked up and caught sight of myself I thought for a split second I was looking at my father. Same short haircut same build, almost the same profile. It was unsettling for a split second.  But then it made me feel a little closer to him, in that I could see a likeness of him in myself.
I remember Mum occasionally saying that she had dreamed of one or other of her parents. I wonder if it is odd that I never remember dreaming of her, or now that I think of it my grandparents wonder if the dreams we have as adults are only drawn from our adult experiences.  I do occasionally dream of him. Often I am trying to save him, or help him in some way, he is always as I remember him in his later years.

Talking of dreams, odd that they are, I have had a couple of ones that reoccur. In one I am in a school yard surrounded by my classmates and for some reason I am unable to run upright, imagine trying to run a a steep hill…you’d have to do it on all fours right? Well that’s how I have to run into the school yard. Call it coincidence or my subconscious sending me a message, but the dream stopped when I became an adult student and continued my education.
The other one I have occasionally always has the same theme, a house with many rooms. Sometimes it is an old run down wreck of a building, other times it is a modern well-appointed one. But always the house has many rooms, and I am exploring them. I think one of my friend once said that the rooms represent different areas of my life that need attending to. I am still trying to figure out what it is that needs attending to.  I’ll keep you posted.

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