Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 14 February 2012

A day out...

Valentines Day and I got to spend the whole day with The Man. We went to the Caravan and Camping Show at the huge exhibition centre that is the Excel.  It needed to be huge to house all the ‘vans that were on display. We had been looking forward to this for ages to view and compare different makes of campervans up close. In retrospect it is a bit of  blur, nothing that had us going WOW though. Too small, too big, too cramped, too expensive…nothing Goldilocks about most of them.
We did see lots of ideas that we would like in our own van, when we eventually get around to buying one that is. It definitely must have a drop down bed, and swivel front seats, captains seats they are called. A toilet and shower and plenty of storage space are a must, as is a three way fridge. We defiantly know what it is we want in a van.
Going there today reminded me of the good times we had in our caravan back home in NZ. We spent twp. lovely years touring around NZ and neither of us more than a few feet away from each other for all that time.  Looking back on some of the diary notes hat I made from those two years confirms the fun that we had. Roll on the next big adventure
Him and me have been together for… let me see how long is it…goodness me almost 24 years. Wow. And very good years they have been too. We’ve had some adventures, him and me, and there are a lot more to come yet.

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