Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 4 February 2012

Cold day out

Saturday 4 February 2012
Brrrrrrrrrrr it was chilly this morning. But that didn’t stop us from going out.. First stop our favourite café for brunch.  Bacon, egg, sausage, tomatoes and mushroom. Definitely hit the spot. Washed down with a couple of cups of milky coffee. Very nice thank you.  Then down to the station to catch the train to Victoria Station. As we had 20 minutes or so to wait we decided to do it in the specially designated space called …with for it…’the waiting room’. Now how novel a name is that.  Anyway there we are in the  ‘waiting  room’ , plenty of spare seats and when we sat down we could see why there were so many empty seats.  Imagine placing your warm nether regions on a chilly metal seat, so we stood as well.
From Victoria we got circle line train to West Kensington where a short walk through the tunnel brought us out at our destination, the Science Museum for our third or is it our fourth time.
This is a great place to visit on a cold day, there is lots to see and do. On the ground floor are huge pieces of machinery, pumps and engines of all sorts that have been retired and restored, OK it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I really like big machines. There is a huge steam driven drive wheel, carefully tended by a white coated mechanic who regularly sets the 80 ton flywheel in motion. Driven by two huge pistons.  
On the next floor we admired the miniature perfection of finely tooled pocket watches, some beautifully decorated with enamelling and jewels.  And an amazing variety of clocks and chronometers. I learned that the Japanese decided in their infinite wisdom to disregard the seemingly foolish western idea of dividing the day and night up into equal parts. Instead their day and night hours were of different length according to some oriental wisdom known only to themselves.
After we got back home we popped around to the supermarket, just 5 minutes’ walk away, to do our weekend shopping.  Trusty granny shopping trolley in tow. Everyone uses them over here, we even see kids with them. Wouldn’t be seen dead with one at home. I’m pleased we did the shopping tonight rather than leaving it for the morning because we have had our first fall of white stuff. Well we had to wait long enough for it and it has finally arrived. So like a couple of kids we went out to play, not for long though. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it is cold out there. 

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