Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 12 February 2012

Staying in and keeping warm...

This weekend is the first one where The Man and I have stayed in all weekend. Well apart from a short walk yesterday and a walk to the supermarket today I mean. Usually we are out doing touristy things at least one of the days. It has been a very chilly weekend though so it was just as well we spent the weekend in the warm.
I’ve been doing a bit of reminiscing on the blog lately and thought that I would continue in the vein today.  
We first got TV when I was about 15. I can still remember the thrill of seeing the aerial up on the roof.  There was a very basic cartoon series called Clutch Cargo, I think I have mentioned that one before. When I was at secondary school one of the soaps was Peyton Place, my parents obviously thought it was a bit too racey for me to watch so I had to rely on my mates at school to give me all the gos.  I was quite disappointed in it when I did get to see it. I had my first taste of how misleading advertisement can be via TV too. When I went to buy a ‘Giant Toastie’, which is a chocolate and coconut covered marshmallow bar, I was very disappointed that it was nowhere near as big as it looked on TV.
Talking about being disappointed about things not being what I thought they were when I was at primary school there were plans discussed to put a roundabout at the intersection near the school. Boy was I disappointed to discover that it wasn’t of the carousel variety.
  TVNZ did some excellent kids programmes, like Under the Mountain and Children of the Dog Star . They were quire scary and very well done. There were also a few more adult sci fi programmes like A for Andromeda.

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