Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 7 February 2012

mobiles, moons and myths...

 This morning I was sitting in my usual coffee shop and skyping to the family as I regularly do of a weekday morning, catching snatches of others conversations I thought I must have been losing the plot. This was because I couldn’t understand the conversation that the two chaps sitting opposite me were having. Then it dawned on me that they were speaking in German.  Some days the neighbouring seats are occupied by an engineering maintenance crew having their morning meeting and work allocation. Sometimes the occupants are obviously city workers in their suits and ties, briefcases at their sides and blackberries at the ready. Occasionally there is a real holiday maker, dressed in jeans and jumper with their suitcase draped under their heavy jackets. As dissimilar as they might seem, they do have one thing in common? Their technology. Mobile phone and ipads, ipods and the like. It seems that who ever you look at they have a mobile phone or computer in their hand.  And lots of them have not one device but two.
After a clear blue sky day with a very cutting wind the night is very crisp and the outside temperature is minus 4.7, and falling.   Suspended in the clear black velvet sky is the most marvellous full moon. No technology needed there to view that or Venus and Jupiter that look huge in the early evening sky. It is no wonder the ancient peoples were inspired by these beauties to create fanciful myths in an attempt to explain the then unexplainable.

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