Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 23 February 2012

Easter, eggs and sunshine...

Have had a good day, well most days are good, in fact there are very few bad days now that I come to think about it.  OK, so there was bit of disappointment with a colleague’s performance. On Tuesday before I went home I asked the colleague to show some important notes to one of our senior workers ‘cos the person the notes were about would be in the next day, Wednesday when I was working at he off site. When I went back I discovered that this had not been done.  Disappointing to say the least. I find it frustrating when other peoples standards are lower than my own.
Around London at the mo is an Easter egg hunt. Not your average one tho. These eggs are about 700mm tall, that’s about 2 foot six in old money. I’ve located a few of them around the area where I work and was a bit put out to find that in each area around London they are in there is a map. So what kind of hunt is that? The ones that I have seen a beautifully decorated tho.
When I went out for my walk today I was very pleasantly surprised to find that it was quite warm and the sun was shining. I did a short fast walk right up to the other end of the shopping precinct and back to the building where I work. It was really nice to be out in the fresh air and the sunshine. There just hasn’t been enough sightings of the big round yellow ball. Here in the UK lots of people are vitamin D deficient. There was a push on recently for health professional to ensure that all people we talk to are either getting gout I the sun regularly or be taking vitamins. And yes, The man and I both take them every day

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