Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 31 March 2013

It was a Good Life...

Well here we are again, The Man and I in our cosy little flat in crystal palace. We did have a very nice week away; but it is nice to come back to our own bed. 

We have put our clocks forward this weekend and are now in British Summer Time. I do wonder why it is called that and not just daylight Saving Time. People are joking about it being ‘summer’ time, when in reality it is still only spring. And a chilly spring it is too. Even here in London the temperature has still not gone much above six or even degrees, and we even had a flurry of snow earlier in the day.
OK, the standard of food has dropped a bit; well he always says that he didn’t marry me for my cooking. To think when I was still at school I wanted to be a cooking teacher. Probably would have made a good comedy sit-com.

We’ve just been watching a TV programmed about an old sit-com called The Good Life. I think this has been on because of the recent death of one of the main actors Richard Briers.

We also caught the tail end of another of his comedic roles, that of Martin Bryce, an obsessive middle-aged man who is at the centre of his local  community. This relatively unsympathetic character was the opposite of his Good Life character, Tom Good. 

Lots of us wanted to do exactly what Tom and Barbara did, drop out of society and become self-sufficient.

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