Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 10 March 2013

What do you think of those facts then....

We were going to have a nice walk around an area that we were curious about. I say were because a no time today did the temperature get above 3.5 degrees. So apart form a quick walk to the supermarket, yes with granny trolley in tow, we stayed in.

I played on the computer for much of the day.

Mumble grumble, trying to consolidate the information I know about my three times great grandfather James Harvey.

Got side tracked along the way, well you do don’t you…well I do, and wound up posting a couple of queries on different websites looking to add more Harvey info to the tree.
Genealogists are a great bunch, within half an hour or so there were several replies and a couple of links that I hadn’t seen before. So onward and upwards into the branches of the tree.
The Man spent a happy day reading a new book he bought. Its full of interesting information.
What do you think of these facts?

There are thirty one and a half million seconds in a year
Light travels at 186 thousand mile a second in empty space, so a light year is 186,000 multiplied by the 31 and a half million and the numbers are just too big to think about.

The next time you admire the beautiful full moon, think about this. If you  multiply the distance from the moon to us by three and a half then that is about how big the sun is. Scary isn’t it. And a good thing it is so incredibly far away. Also it is a good thing space is a vacuum because if it were not we would be deafened by the sound of those humungous solar flares.

How about them apples then…..

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