Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Saga continues...

Here’s the latest update in the premium bonds saga.

At lunchtime today I go to the post office and join the queue that stretched right out the door. I kid you not it really was that long.
I edge closer and closer to encounter as the automated announcing system calls out teller number three please, teller number nine please, until finally it is my turn at teller number six please.
I hand over my completed form, insert the debit card into the machine and all seems to be going well.
That is until I check the receipt as I am about to walk out the door.

The amount on the receipt has one less nought than it should, and one less nought than was written on the application form that I handed to teller number six. 

Well I’m jolly well not going to get back in that queue so I stand behind the chap who is being attended to by teller number six trying not to look at the people who are next in the queue.
Almost five minutes later after number six has sorted out a complicated transaction I tell her that she the transaction she did for me was wrong.

Not only did I not get a ‘sorry’, she didn’t even have the decency to look apologetic.
So, transaction reversed, I wanted to have the correct amount taken out.
You’ll have to fill in another form she said this one’s been cancelled.
It was a very good thing that there is a glass partition between the customers and the tellers or I would have reached over and grabbed her around the neck.
OK I wouldn’t really, but I certainly felt like it.
OK, give me another form I said and went muttering on my way back to work cos I had spent such a lot of time there that my lunch hour had finished,

I regaled The Man of this sorry tale when he came to meet me after work and told him that I would give it a go tomorrow.

On the way to the station we walk past the post office and the lights are still on and the tellers are home. Let’s give it a go The Man says.
And in no time we are in front of a teller and hey presto everything goes smoothly this time.
Well at least I don’t have to go there tomorrow.

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