Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 25 March 2013

On to Great Yarmouth today

We left The Horseshoes this morning, heading south, and into the opposite direction we had originally intended.
The Horseshoes Inn

Why so I hear you ask?
Well, I had one more place to visit in relation to my genealogy and that was Barking. Not Barking London, but Barking Suffolk.
My paternal three times great grandparents James Harvey and Susannh Lucas 23 September 1823.
We only found one church there and it was another St Mary's. I was excited to see that a list of burials with a churchyard map was displayed on one wall. 

St Mary's in Barking

There we were The Man and I eagerly reading down the list of names, but disappointingly there were no Harvey or Lucas names. Oh well. It is quite a large church, which seemed surprising given the small community it seemed to serve.
Well that destination ticked off the list we turned the car around and drove north, well The Man drove, I just entered our destination in the nav man.
We were totally at the mercy of Mr Nav Man. With the setting to take the motorways as little as possible we were on a kind of mystery tour. Following each direction, and then veering off to explore an interesting looking lane or road. Allowing Mr NavMan to calculate us back on track when we were ready to get back on our way again.
Very Cutesy cottage

We stopped for a mid morning snack and coffee along the way at a service station, wondering where all the cutesy country cafés' were. We hardly passed any at all.
It surprises us somewhat when we try to drive along a coastal road only to discover that we are either nowhere near the sea, or the sea is obscured by those darn amusements parks, where you have to pay for parking.
We tried to find an eatery with a sea view and with a name like Sea-view you would think it might just have one wouldn't you?
Well it sort of did, but you had to look around and through a children's playground, so we decided to move on a bit more.
We eventually found one, and sat down to a nice baked potato lunch with melty cheese. The Man spotted a ship making its way down the river and we watched its progress as we ate.
The well fed, we wrapped ourselves up warmly and went outside to watch it nose into the waves. And the wind was so cold that we gave ourselves an ice-cream headache into the bargain.
Oooo that sea looks cold

After a fairly long days drive we were both pleased to locate The Warren Guest House in Great Yarmouth, where we will be staying for the next three nights.

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