Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 21 March 2013

A bit of a ramble..

One of the songs on my Dolly Parton CD, and yes I do have one of those, is Love’s like Butterfly. And what is screening on BBC 2 at the moment?
Give up?....Of course you do.
Well the answer is the BBC series called Butterflies that uses the Dolly Parton song as its theme. Wendy Craig is the female star, Ria.  .
The situation was the day-to-day life of the Parkinson family in a bittersweet style. There were both traditional comedy sources (Ria's cooking, family squabbles) and more unusual sources such as Ria's unconsummated  relationship with the outwardly-successful Leonard. Ria was still in love with her husband, Ben, and had raised two potentially fine sons, yet found herself dissatisfied and in need of something more. Throughout the series Ria searched for that "something more" and found some solace in her unconventional friendship with Leonard. In a 2002 interview, Carla Lane explained, "I wanted to write a comedy about a woman contemplating adultery."
Ria’s youngest son, Adam, is played by Nicholas Lyndhurst. and their older son, Russell, by Andrew Hall.
Now Nicholas Lyndhurst, you must know who he is, tall blond haired, starred in Only Fools and Horses and Goodnight sweetheart. Bit of a comedian.
I thought that Andrew Hall, the other son must have dropped out of sight, but how wrong can you be. His latest acting role is in Coronations Street, and he is a directory too.
Then there is Ria,s on screen hound Geoffrey Palmer. Now he’s been in a few including one of my all-time favourites As Time Goes By, with Judi Dench.

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