Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 3 March 2013

A bit of a walk...

 Spring is sprung
The grass is riz
I wonder where the birdies is?

Apart from the odd pigeon we didn’t notice any birdies on our walk today. 

And where did we go?

Well a month or so ago when we were on our way from somewhere to somewhere else we went through an area that we though it wold be good to have a walk through. So today we took the train to Sloan Square.

Didn’t see any Sloan Rangers but it was a nice walk. Not too chilly a day either. A balmy 8 degrees.
Oh look there's the Saatchi Gallery, lets go in have a look in there, and its free too.

Well we were jolly pleased it was free because I they had charged us admission we would have felt more than hard done by.

Here, follow this link and see for yourself the kind of rubbish that they had on display

OK, modern art isn’t everybody’s taste and it certainly isn’t ours, we realised that after visiting Tate Modern. Had we known that about the gallery we would have just admired the exterior of the lovely old building and kept walking. There was one set of very large photographs that was more than odd. The subjects were naked or semi naked .and many in the snow OK so that in itself is OK. What we did find more than disconcerting was the way the subjects were displayed. Several had their clothes pulled down and up, their exposure seemed almost abusive. I don’t know what the cameraman was on about but neither The Man nor I like it at all.
It was a relief to get back outside.

We continued our ramble, without really worrying about where we were going, haven’t done this for ages and ages.

There were interesting old building and lots and lots of very expensive cars, boy did they sound good. 

And expensive shops too. One that sold children’s clothing had an outfit in the window with clothes that would have only fit a toddler and the shoes alone were £69! Not to mention the rental prices in the area. We were horrified to see several apartments offered at up to £4000 per week. Yes that’s right a week, and no I haven’t made a mistake with the number of noughts either. 
There were lots of antique and arty farty stores, will you look at the size of that chandelier. Goodness me you would need a mansion to hang it in. Mary Quant and Habitat stores, as well as Cartier and other well-known brands were displaying their very expensive wares
 We stopped at the  golden arches for a bite to eat and spent a happy half an hour or so watching the beautiful people go past.
Fed and watered we continued our walk looking out for signs pointing towards train stations. It took us a while and led us past a very interesting store that we will definitely go back too. It calls itself an Artique store, but what caught our eye was the lovely window display of shells and fossils and skulls. A must for us to go visit.

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