Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 23 March 2013

Ancestor hunting...

Oh dear, it was still snowing when we left this morning.
OK, so do we keep going with our holiday plans?
Yes of course we do.
So off we go to the station kitted up for the snow and with our fingers crossed,
So far so good, the trains are running from Crystal palace to Victoria.
Fingers still crossed that National Express buses are too.
And they were, and the snow was still falling.
I do like snow.
The last time we travelled National Express the driver said, 'The buses always get through', and the was right. I hardly had time to read a few chapters on my kindle, yup I do have one of those. Long story, and the short version is that I won it on one of those online surveys I completed.

It was a bit of a walk in the snow to the car hire place and before I knew it we were signing the agreement on a neat little peugot, brand new too.
That's one of the many joys of hiring a car. .

So here we are in Cambridge.
What next.
Well, first I set the nav-man to take us to the hotel, The Horseshoes, and off we go. An easy drive, and we are quite early so lets go exploring.
Wilby first. This is where some of my Harvey ancestors came from. I came here wanting to walk the same ground as them and now I have. St Mary's church is where some of them commemorated life's events.
Hard to know if any of the many tombstones mark ancestors graves, but I am sure that one or two of them will do.
OK what next, well it is still quite early in the afternoon so I reset the nav-man and we drive to Hoxne and then on to Dennington. Also places where ancestors would have lived.
I signed the guest book in the churches, making sure that I clearly wrote the name HARVEY, and my email address.
Fingers crossed the name might ring a bell with someone. If not, well nothing ventured, nothing gained

Four o'clock now and with the snow falling a bit heavier The Man turned the car around and took us back to the hotel

If the weather is better tomorrow we might retrace our footsteps, if not we will explore a bit further.

To be continued...

Beutiful Pew ends at St Mary in Wilby.

St Mary's, Wilby.  

Ancient tombs in St Mary the Virgin at Dennington, not my ancestors unfortunalty

St Mary the Virgin, love that gate post.

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