Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 22 March 2013

Very little to say tonight...

Hang on… I’ve got a good excuse, well a least I do have an excuse.
Tomorrow The Man and I are off on holiday, and where are we going?
Well you’ll have to come back tomorrow to find out.
So why does that mean tonight’s blog is so short?
Well, I really wanted to ‘finish’ my work day off completely and leave my room all nice and tidy for the reliever who will be ‘me’ for next week.
Not to mention making sure that things will run as smoothly as possible while I am away, checking stock and ordering.
I had my day all planned out first thing this morning, and what is it that they say about the plans of mice and men and nurses? Well mice and men at least.
Fridays have traditionally been quiet days, and was today a quiet day?
No it was not.
So, all those things I had intended to do uninterrupted had to be fitted in between seeing patients. Needless to say I had more   things to do at the end of my day than day left.
I took The Man for coffee after work, then stopped at the local supermarket for a few last minute supplies and something for tea.
Now we are fed and watered and I am about to pack our bags for the off tomorrow morning.
To be continued….

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