Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 9 March 2013

Interesting day, well the beginning of it was....

So what did we do today?

We hopped on a couple of trains and went to National Archives at Kew. But that was after a slightly alarming start to our day.

Picture this.

The we are, The Man and I washed and dressed and about to sit down to breakfast when….Hello what’s that noise.

Hmmm, open up the door into the hallway and goodness me the building fire alarm is going off. Can’t smell smoke but better get out just in case.
Back inside, shoes on and grab the jackets, the wallets and the cell phone and head down the stairs.
We’re the only ones there.
Good thing the weather is fairly clement. After a few minutes a couple of other residents put in an appearance, but not all of them. 

About five minutes later we can hear the sound of an approaching siren and there comes the fire engine, followed by another. 

Soon the crews are spilling out onto the footpath,
 all kitted up in their protective gear, and heading insider, but not before a third engine shows upMust have been a false alarm because pretty soon we are let back inside.

Once The Man and I finish breakfast we set off to go to Kew.

And what did we find there, well not much really. I had wanted to look at my grandfather’s military record, but discovered that I could have paid a small fee and downloaded it at home.  Never mind we did have a nice day out and I did learn a couple of things about the archives.  Oh and I bought a couple of books and an ordinate survey map of the area we are going to visit in a couple of weeks.
We spotted some very interesting front garden ornaments on our walk back from National Archives to the train station. Not the kind of thing you’d expect to see in a very urban setting

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