Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 15 March 2013

Premium Bonds saga goes on...

A bit warmer but a bit wetter today
Continuing on from yesterday ramble about the premium bonds….
So there I go at lunch time down to the post office at Canary Wharf, hand my filled in form to the teller and she does her thing with her keyboard then tells me she will need to call the bank to verify that our account has enough dosh in it to cover the transaction. So I hand over my debit card and she taps the details into her phone.
And we wait.  
She tries again and then says excuse me I have to go and ask the manager something, and off she goes.
Back what seems like ages later and she give me the phone and asks me to key in the detail. Which I do, and hand it back to her.
So far so good?
Then my mobile goes off and I get an automated message from my ban’s fraud department saying that someone has tried to access my account and it give me a number to call.
Hello……. The person trying to access my account is me….
So I call the number and what do I get….. no answer…..
OK I say to the girl behind the counter what next?
She doesn’t know and goes to get her manager.
There I am checking my watch cos I’ve been here nearly 20 minus already.
When she comes back I say enough!
Just cancel the transaction….
We’re nearly there she says don’t you want to wait a bit longer?
OK I say.
She tries it all over again, same result.
So, after more than half an hour I say that’s it cancel it. She does, and then wants to keep the filled in form and the receipt.
NO!!! I say.
She goes to get the manager again…
He prints off a whole lot of receipts from her machine, staples them together and puts them in her drawer
Hold on I say I need copies of that.
Which he prints and hands them over, looking very apologetic.

End of story?
About three hours later I get another automated phone call from the bank; this one is asking me to verify the transaction I cancelled in the Post Office.
Not a show. So I push the button to speak to a person and actually get through.
Takes me a while to get the Indian chappie to understand that I tried to make a transaction then because it was much too difficult I cancelled it.

And yes I did check the that the money was still in our account.
And was it?
Yes… but I will check it again in the morning too

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