Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 8 March 2013

You really do have to laugh don’t you.

To try to help people remember me when I ask them to come back for an appointment I often tell them to ask for an appointment with that mad Kiwi nurse.

‘So why do they call you Kiwi’s?” Question asked by our young receptionist.

Me, ‘It’s because our best known native bird is called the Kiwi’ 

Young receptionist. “But isn’t because of the fruit then?” 
Me, “No, the fruit came much later”

Young receptionist. “So  do you eat them then, the birds?
Me “Goodness me  no, they are endangered”
Young receptionist “But what about the burgers, don’t they have them in?”
Me “Burgers?”
Young receptionist “Yes, you know, those Kiwi burgers you told me about”

You really do have to laugh don’t you.

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