Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 26 March 2013

A walk on the beach, anda very short one at that...

After a very nice 'ull 'English' breakfast, minus the baked beans we rugged up well and set out on foot. A brisk walk on the beach was the first order of the day. And golly gosh it was soooo cold. But we have had our walk on the Norfolk sand. The milky coffee and choccy caked we had afterwards were very welcome to warm us up.
A very short further along Marine Parade and we came to the local Sealife aquarium.

 Now how could we not stop and go see the sea-life. Well those of you who know us well would know that we couldn't walk past one of these without going in to ogle the fish.
The large tank had two really large green sea turtles, and did you know that they are called that, not because their shells are green, but because their fat is green. Betcha didn't know that!

The very large tank where the turtles were swimming along with sharks and other large fish was decorated as though it was an Atlantis lookalike with a huge Medusa head as its centrepiece.
After lunch at a beach-side café we strolled away from the beach front to an intiguingly titled museum called Time and Tide.
And what an interesting visit that turned out to be.
Built in an old herring smoke-house that still carries the smell of smoked fish it is very well worth a visit if you ever get to this neck of the woods.
It was like stepping back in time when we walked down a very well re-created local narrow street, brought alive by the very well done audio guide.
We spent so much time there that it was four o'clock when we left and getting chillier if that's possible so we made a quick walk back to the very comfortable Warren Guest House where we are staying.
The Marine parade here like almost every other beachfront we have visited is jam-packed with amusement arcades. Thank goodness we don't have them at home in NZ.

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